
Saturday, June 25, 2011

A Sincere Thank You

    I started querying Zane around mid-March, and received an immediate request for the partial, which lead to some very savvy revision advice from the very talented and gracious Jill Marsal of Marsal Lyon Literary Agency
I’ve lost count of the number of agents who have posted on twitter or their blogs that they no longer offer personal feedback on queries or submissions because of the author’s reaction to their critiques. So I think it’s important that we thank those agents still willing to stick their necks out and offer an honest critique.
Jill Marsal did me an invaluable favor by pointing out the problems with my first three chapters of Zane. Her insight allowed me to revise. And those revisions were instrumental in attracting the attention of several other agents, and honestly--I can't thank her enough for giving me the opportunity to see the characters and story through her eyes.

Likewise, Deidre Knight of The Knight Agency did me the great service of offering her honest evaluation of the manuscript along with her suggestions for improving it.

I credit both these women with taking Zane (now titled Forged in Fire) to the next level and sincerely want to thank them for the time they took to evaluate the manuscript, and put their impressions into words.

At the moment I am working hard on the second book in the Forged In series. This is Cosky's book. I'm about 25K into the first draft of his story, and once again I am flying by the seat of my pants.

I am a plotter, a plotter, a plotter. (I am! I am!) So what is it about these particular books that refuse to be plotted before drafting? Zane was supposed to be an anomaly. But once again I find myself launching into Cosky's book with only the vaguest idea of what is going to happen next. It's enough to drive a person insane--or off Pepsi--which is close to the same thing.

In other news, I have the name of the heroine of Rawls' book. Her name will be Jolynn. There is a story to his heroine's name . . .maybe someday I will spill it.


  1. I'm thrilled to hear Cosky is speaking to you just as loudly as Zane was! Zane was written with a great heart driving the words, and I have no doubt Cosky's is "forging" forward with the same passion.

    And then... R A W L S ! ! ! :)

  2. Heh! Once you pants, you can never go back. Welcome to the dark side. :-)

  3. Jolyn,

    I have to admit your passion for Rawls just tickles me no end. His heroine is well named, that's for sure.

    How are you doing on Harbinger? Have you started it yet? You need any brainstorming?

  4. Wonderful news! The best of luck to you. I hope you get the best agent for you and your books.

  5. But Patti,

    I don't belong on the dark side.

    I am a plotter. I am! I am. I don't want to scrabble my way through the mist. I want to plot a clear and concise path through the void. The dark side isn't for the faint of heart, and well. . . I'm a coward.

    June 25, 2011 7:38 PM

    Thank you Edie, its all a matter of finding the right fit. Just like a pair of shoes. Finding a pair you can wear comfortably for the long haul might take some time, but it is worth the effort in the long run.

  6. I don't know what it is about Rawls, but...damn. :)

    Got a little done on Harbinger, but spend more time reading than writing (on the series you recommended). Now that I just finished the last book, I'm focusing back on getting my own words in.

    But, of course, now my attention has shifted to another project. (As is my way, apparently.) Today's plan? Pull out Harbinger and see if I can make it grab me, and if wip until I jump the Harbinger hurdle. I think my problem is I've overplanned the series (it's become overwhelming in my head). ;)

  7. When things become overwhelming in my mind, I try to break them into smaller scenes. Not a whole book, but a chapter. Not a chapter--but a scene. I try to not to think of the entire work and just concentrate on one scene at a time.
