
Sunday, February 6, 2011

Six Sentence Sunday

Today is Sunday and the Sixth day of the month, which means two things.

I’m blogging over at Tabby’s Nocturnal Nights.

And it’s Six Sentence Sunday. (Cue cheering!)

For my Six this week I’m skipping forward a bit. This excerpt if from Beth’s POV—Zane’s heroine. In this scene she is facing her best friend, Ginny, who was recently rescued from a hostage situation, and trying to tell Ginny that her husband was killed by the same men who had kidnapped her. Only Ginny doesn’t react as Beth expected.

“He’s what? Busy? In the middle of something? In a meeting?” Ginny’s voice climbed with each word, sharp as barbwire, brittle as an autumn leaf.

“No! He’s. . .” Beth reached for that robotic hand, but the tight, distant sheen in those haunted eyes told her the contact wouldn’t be welcome.

I encourage everyone to check out the rest of the excellent excerpts posted for today, you can find the links here

And a special welcome to my friend Edie Ramer who is joining us for the first time on Six Sentences Sunday. Check her six sentences out. I guarantee you won't be sorry!


  1. Great sentences! And thanks for the shout out! And for telling me about #sixsunday. This is fun and different.

    I'm going to space myself and read 5-10 at a time. lol

  2. Intriguing. Now I want to know more!

  3. "sharp as barbwire, brittle as an autumn leaf" - I love that!

  4. Great six! mechanic arm... Intriguing!!!

  5. Robotic hand? That got my attention. And love how you describe the rising panic in her voice. Great six.

  6. "sharp as barbwire, brittle as an autumn leaf" -- nice!

  7. I like the hint of cyborg/prosthesis that you use here. You don't come right out and say it, but you reference it.

  8. subtle yet informative. I really liked it

  9. Loved this: "sharp as barbwire, brittle as an autumn leaf." And you hooked me when she reached for the robotic hand!

  10. Love the dialogue descriptions. Really gave me a sense of her emotion and the tone.

  11. Lot's of back information concisely delivered. Nice.

  12. Wow. This is heartbreaking. You've shown so much emotion, tension in little word count. Impressive writing style.

  13. Great description. These sure are fun to read! Thanks for stopping by!

  14. Great description, Trish. Can't wait to read more!

  15. Wow, I'd be in devestational denial as well. The torture we put our characters through, eh? Great six.!

  16. 'sharp as barbwire...' Ouch!

  17. Very well written! Love the descriptions in this sample!

  18. Ooo, liked the 'sharp as barbed wire, brittle as an autumn leaf.'

  19. Great description, and great post!

  20. Very interesting. I wonder what comes next?

  21. How awesome was that description?! Nice!

  22. Thanks to everyone who stopped by to check out my Six Sentences. I really appreciate the encouragement.
